Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for APSIPA 2024 Submissions

Authors are advised to adhere strictly to the guidelines provided in the Submission Guideline APSIPA 2024 document with the following instructions.

IEEE Xplore Compatibility To be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore, full papers must conform to the IEEE Xplore format. Non-compliant papers will be excluded from publication. Authors are required to utilize the provided LaTeX or MS Word templates for their submissions.

Page Requirements

The minimum length for papers is 4 pages.

The maximum allowable length is 8 pages.

The final submission will be submitted via CMT at Special session: Selected Papers from APSIPA Workshop on Advanced Signal and Information Processing before 21st, July. 2024

Expression of Interest Submission Expressions of Interest should be submitted electronically to the conference’s official email:

Author Guidelines